Fundraisers and   Services

enhanceGeranium Sale

The Bermuda Run Garden Club conducts the sale of geraniums in March/April to encourage community beautification. Profits from the sale help fund our various community projects.  The Project Chair makes arrangements with a local nursery regarding the price and delivery date of the plants and oversees publicity for the sale.  Garden Club members pre-sell the plants and provide all assistance for pick-up of the geraniums on the delivery date.


Carolina Classic Fairenhanceenhance

To encourage more gardening and designing of our backyard flowers, the Garden Club participates annually in the Design, Container Plants, and Horticulture segments of the Carolina Classic Fair.  To raise funds for our projects, members may also submit entries in a variety of competitions of their choice at the Fair.



Conservation of our Natural Resources

As a service to our surrounding community, the Bermuda Run Garden Club conducts two shredding events each year in the spring and fall.  Documents are shredded upon receipt on site by a mobile shredding track in a safe and secure manner.  The shredded material is then recycled into paper towels and napkins.  Proceeds go to various Davie County community programs which the Garden Club supports.enhance


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