Section 1 The name of the Club shall be the Bermuda Run Garden Club (hereinafter referred to as “the Club.”).
Section 2 The purposes of the Club are to promote interest, study and practice in the various phases of gardening, landscaping and flower arranging and to promote education, conservation, restoration and beautification of the community.
Section 1 The membership of the Club shall be open to all Bermuda Run residents living within the gated area of Bermuda Run, Bermuda Run West, and to any member of the Bermuda Run Country Club. Active members in good standing as determined by the Executive Board shall be grandfathered to continue membership should their Bermuda Run Country Club membership or residence status change.
Section 2 Total number of members is limited to 39, not including Friends Emeritus members .
Section 1. The elected officers of this Club shall be the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice- President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Section 2 Officers shall be elected by a majority of votes cast by members at the December meeting. The Treasurer is elected for a two-year term. Other officers are elected for a one-year term. All officers may serve consecutive terms. Officers shall be installed at the February meeting and shall take office March 1.
Section 3 The Executive Board shall consist of the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 4 The Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Board) shall consist of the Officers, Standing Committee Chairwomen, and past President. They shall meet prior to scheduled Club meetings. Other meetings will be held as deemed necessary by the President. Project Chairwomen may be invited to attend a Board meeting at the discretion of the President.
Section 1 Club meetings shall be held the first Wednesday of each month or at the discretion of the Board. There is no meeting in July. Club Social Events shall include the June Picnic and the December Christmas Dinner.
Section 2 A quorum for all meetings (Executive Board, Board, and Club Meetings) shall be a majority of the members present.
Section 3 The fiscal year shall end January 31.
Section 1 The Constitution may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present only if notice of the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing or electronically to the membership at least 24 hours prior to the Club meeting.
Section 2 The By-Laws may be amended at any Club meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present.
Note: The Bermuda Run Garden Club shall be referred to herein as “the Club.” Bermuda Run Country Club shall be referred to herein as “BRCC.”
Section 1 The active membership of the Club shall not exceed thirty-nine (39).
Section 2 Excessive absences, non-payment of dues, or failure to participate in Club projects by a member are actions which may result in a request for resignation by the Executive Board.
Section 3 The name(s) of prospective new member(s) shall be presented by a Club member to the Second Vice-President. The Second Vice-President will mail or electronically send an Application for Membership to the prospective member(s) and process it upon receipt. If more than one application is received on the same date, priority shall be determined by the applicant’s birth month and day (not the year) beginning with the month of February through January (February is the beginning of our Club’s calendar year). Prospective member(s) who submit an application will be invited to attend a Club meeting (other than a Club Social Event or the January Potluck Luncheon) as a guest of the Club. When a vacancy occurs, the Second Vice-President will present at the next Board meeting the application of the prospective member(s) for a vote of approval. Notice of Club Membership approval shall be sent, either by mail or electronically, by the Second Vice-President to the prospective member(s) and her sponsor(s) after the vote of approval.
Section 4 Members may bring a guest to any Club meeting except the January Potluck Luncheon, and a member may bring one guest to a Club Social Event. The member bringing a guest will make arrangements with the Treasurer to cover any costs involved.
Section 5 A member shall notify the Second Vice-President in writing or electronically of her intention to resign from the Club.
Section 6 Should there be a death of a member in the Club or in a member’s immediate family (husband or child) the Club will provide a memorial not to exceed $25.00 to the Bermuda Run Garden Club Endowment Fund or to a worthy cause as specified by the family.
Section 7 Members shall be sent a birthday card. Members who are ill at home shall receive a card, and members who are hospitalized shall receive flowers.
Section 8 Members who have been active for ten (10) years or more who feel they can no longer participate actively in the Club may become one of ten (10) Friends Emeritus. Their ten (10) years of active service entitles them to join the Club at any meeting, project and field trip, or Club Social Event they may wish to attend at their own expense.
Requirements for Friends Emeritus status:
- Being an active member for ten (10) or more years.
- Submitting, in writing or electronically, a request for Friend Emeritus status. If more than one application is received on the same date, priority shall be determined by the applicant’s birth month and day (not year) beginning with the month of February through January.
- Being willing to maintain Friend Emeritus status by attending a minimum of three (3) activities per year; this could include Club meetings, field trips or Club projects as listed in the Club’s Yearbook.
- Paying $50.00 per year to cover snack costs at Club meetings except at the June, December, and January meetings.
If the membership is full and a Friend Emeritus wishes to become an active member, her name will automatically be placed at the top of the Club’s membership waiting list. If a former member who resigned in good standing wishes to become an active member, her name will automatically be placed ahead of other prospective new members but not ahead of a Friends Emeritus member who wishes to rejoin the Club as an active member. Neither the former Club member nor the Friends Emeritus member shall be required to attend a Club meeting before the application for membership is submitted to the Board for a vote of approval.
Section 1 The Executive Board shall serve as the Nominating Committee. They shall present to the Club a slate of officers at the December meeting and the election shall follow.
Section 2 The new officers will assume their duties immediately after their installation at the February luncheon meeting. Standing Committee Chairs and Project Chairs will assume their duties immediately following the installation of Officers. All old and new Officers, Standing Committee Chairs, and Project Chairs will attend the January board meeting to exchange information.
Section 1 Duties of the President
- Presides at all Club meetings.
- Fills any vacancies occurring in the offices, with the approval of the Board.
- Appoints the Chairwoman of all Standing Committees.
- Attends District 4 meetings.
- Completes and submits the appropriate annual reports.
- Serves as ex-officio member of all committees.
- Appoints special committees as deemed necessary. These committees will be dissolved when their responsibilities are completed.
- Identifies and selects a credentialed garden club official for the installation of new club officers in February.
Section 2 Duties of the First Vice-President
- Assists the President in the business of the Club.
- Assumes all duties of the President’s office, in her absence.
- Serves as Program Chairwoman for all Club meetings, April through March.
- Selects a gift for the outgoing President.
- Makes arrangements for an appropriate gift to Guest Speakers in accordance with budget guidelines.
- Advise the 2nd Vice President one month ahead of planned meeting of the guest speaker’s special requests for equipment, tables, screen, TV’s, etc. in order to present their program successfully.
Section 3 Duties of the Second Vice-President
- Chairs all aspects of membership to the Club as outlined in the By-Laws of the Bermuda Run Garden Club, Article I: Membership Guidelines, Section 1-8.
- Chairs and appoints four (4) Telephone Callers whose responsibilities are to inform Club members of the date, time and place of Club meetings and activities. The Callers also report the number of members attending monthly Club meetings and/or Club activities to the Second Vice-President prior to each Club meeting and/or activity.
- Makes the necessary arrangements (number in attendance, room set-up, food, room to be vacated by 3pm, etc.) with the BRCC Private Events Director for all Club meetings in cooperation with the First Vice-President’s program needs.
- Maintains files relating to present and past members and yearly membership rosters.
- Advises Executive Board and Chairwomen of Yearbook, Website, Beautification Committees and Callers of member resignations and new member approvals.
- Advises new member of amount of full or pro-rated membership dues payable to the Treasurer.
- Reports to the Club membership upon learning of a member’s serious illness, hospitalization or personal problem..
Section 4 Duties of the Secretary
- Keeps the minutes of all meetings (Executive Board, Board, and Club Meetings) and forwards a copy of the minutes to appropriate members.
- Maintains a record of attendance at all Club meetings.
- Attends to any correspondence that is necessary.
Section 5 Duties of the Treasurer
- Collects dues.
- Collects and holds all the monies belonging to the Club.
- Pays all bills authorized by the Executive Board.
- Presents a written Treasury Report at all meetings except in June and December.
- Prepares an annual budget with the assistance of the Board.
- Presents a proposed budget to the membership at the March meeting.
- Determines the cost of luncheons and/or snacks with the BRCC Private Events Director.
- Keeps the cost of food within the Club’s approved budget.
- Assures that all guest fees are collected and paid.
- Files all necessary tax forms annually.
- Ensures that the Treasurer’s books and reports are closed as of January 31.
Section 1 Duties of the Awards Chairwoman
- Identifies and defines all state and national awards for which the Club may wish to compete.
- Obtains, shares and completes official entry forms and enters all pertinent data prior to the due date.
Section 2 Duties of the Historian
- Maintains an archival record of data pertinent to all activities and functions of the Club.
Section 3 Duties of the Publicity Chairwoman
- Notifies the news media of Club projects and/or activities deemed newsworthy as directed by the President.
- Serves as back-up to the Club’s Photographer in her absence.
Section 4 Duties of the Hostess Chairwoman
- Secures Hostesses who will provide at their own expense a floral arrangement or other table decor for Club meetings that are held at BRCC.
- Assures that a floral arrangement or other table decor will be provided in front of the President’s seat at the head table.
- Secures field trip hostesses to provide the beverages and/or food for functions held away from BRCC and submits the bill to the Club Treasurer.
Section 5 Duties of the Invocation Chairwoman
- Prepares, presents and delivers a short inspirational message and invocation at the beginning of each Club meeting and/or event.
Section 6 Duties of the Social Chairwoman
- Secures a location for the December Christmas Dinner, June Picnic, and the January Potluck Luncheon.
- Determines a menu and plan for food.
- Decides on a cost per member for each event.
- Arranges for entertainment if desired.
- Obtains approval of the Executive Board for any expenses to be incurred.
Section 7 Duties of the Ways and Means Chairwoman
- Is responsible for fund-raising.
- Determines items for sale and other fund-raising activities to allow for sufficient funds to balance expenditures.
Section 8 Duties of the Year Book Chairwoman
- Secures information necessary for updating the Club Yearbook each year. Communicates as needed with the Website Chairwoman to exchange information relevant to the Yearbook and/or the Website.
- Compiles contents and arranges for reproducing a copy of the Yearbook for each Club member.
- Keeps costs within the Yearbook budget.
- Distributes new Yearbooks at the April Club meeting.
- Provides members with name tags.
- Provides new members with Yearbook and name tag.
- Takes photos at all Club activities and functions, and present a yearbook with special features as a keepsake to the presiding president at the April meeting.
Section 9 Duties of the Website Chairwoman
- Keeps all member information up to date on the Website.
- Develops new ways to interact with Club members for meeting RSVP’s, birthdays, posts, etc.
- Maintains Website host and submits cost to Club Treasurer.
- Prepares budget for new development if needed.
- Meets with Website developer if needed.
- Communicates as needed with the Yearbook Chairwoman to exchange information relevant to the Yearbook and/or the Website.
Section 1 The annual membership dues shall be $75.00 payable February 1. (The membership dues include the cost of snacks at Club meetings except the June, December, and January meetings.)
Section 2 New member prorated dues will be payable at the time they join the Club.
March 1 | 1989 | August 2 | 2000 | August 1 | 2007 | March 7 | 2012 |
July 7 | 1993 | September 6 | 2000 | April 2 | 2008 | November 7 | 2012 |
August 3 | 1993 | November 7 | 2001 | August 5 | 2009 | January 8 | 2014 |
March 1 | 1995 | October 2 | 2002 | March 3 | 2010 | August 6 | 2014 |
March 4 | 1998 | March 1 | 2005 | October 12 | 2011 | November 5 | 2014 |
Amended January 7, 2015
Amended February 3, 2016